anatomic work

Fascination with the human body, with God’s supreme creation, has always been part of Art and consequently of science, since dissection has been the most common method of anatomic study and learning.It was through the hands of the illustrator that the anatomist could communicate findings and avoid the natural feeling of revulsion and pain provoked by the image and experience of dead matter. In other words, the role of the illustrator was to transform the macabre, dismembered and decomposed biological matter into a pleasing and coherent image that could be used by scientists as well as artists.

Nevertheless, with the discovery of X-rays and other non-invasive exploratory techniques such as the MRI, CAT scan, etc., the connection between art and science has been weakened or in many cases has been rendered unnecessary.My anatomic work explores the reestablishment of this connection, between Art and Science, by using modern techniques of artistic representation and scientific exploration. Thematically, playing with dualities such as: natural and constructed landscapes, the rational and the imaginary, the perception of scale, etc., as well as psychological concepts and medical testing.

anatomic work 2

The images refer to various psychological states that deal with issues of protection, apparent strength, erasure, hiding, deterioration, etc ….life as it evolves with time.Nevertheless the pieces do not provide a prescriptive way of interpretation or understanding. The many layers and shapes that can be found allow space for the viewer to project itself into the piece, similar than finding shapes in the clouds or taking a Rorschach inkblot test. They remain open to psychological interpretation dependent from the viewer‘s personality, experiences and emotional functioning.

Experimentation with threads, weaving, layering and mix of textiles and paper based substrate were part of this new body of work


‘After the Rain’ is a metaphor, an allegorical phrase that is meant to communicate the idea that after dark and even within the dark there is light, life. It also refers to the rain itself as a source of life, as one of the essential elements that sustains life on earth, for wild animals and plants to survive…
It refers to life as metamorphosis, as an act of survival, as an act of kindness…as a permanent cycle of renewal, of transformation of one form of life into another to be what we call: eternal.

+ Music by NAVI

Based on the series, the Toronto based band NAVI composed a series of songs that were released digitally under the name “Dissect”.

N A V I’s Dissect EP is a collection of vignettes that emerged through study of proportions within the triptych ” into the Rain” and applying these findings to musical proportions in order to develop a framework for each musical composition.Listen to it on bandcamp